How to Save Money on TeachersPayTeachers (TPT)

One of my favorite lessons to teach during an unofficial Professional Learning Community (PLC) is how to maximize your dollar when purchasing on TeachersPayTeachers (TPT).

1. Leave Reviews. 

Once you purchase a product on TPT and you use it in your classroom, take a few minutes to leave a review. You will receive credits to apply to a future purchase, and the seller gets helpful feedback.

When you leave a review, you will earn 1 credit for every $1 spent.

After using a resource, go to your "My Purchases" page. Click the leave a review button. Carefully answer each question, then click "Done."

As a seller, I should note that if the product has errors, please contact them either through email or their store's Q&A tab. Most sellers are very responsive.

2. Buy Bundles.

Bundles are when a store has grouped 2 or more similar products into one listing, and then discounted that bundle. Most bundles are discounted 20%.

If you see several products within the same store that you would like to purchase, ask the seller (through email or their store's Q&A) if they would be willing to bundle those products. The worst that could happen is they say no. :)

3. Wait Until a Quarterly Sale.

TPT sponsors quarterly sitewide sales. During these sales, sellers have the option to discount their entire store to up to 20% off.

4. Follow your Favorite Stores.

Some have discounts for new products, and a few sellers I follow will have Flash Freebies. It saves me money to follow stores that I know I like their products!

5. Combine All The Above.

For me, I like to leave reviews on products on a regular basis, but I don't quickly redeem the credits. I wait until a quarterly TPT sale and purchase bundles I have been eyeing. Then I apply credits to the bundles which are on sale!

It's truly a WIN-WIN-WIN!

Do you have additional ways to save money on your TPT puchases? I would love to hear it! Email me at

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